Sunday, October 19, 2008

Snoozing yet again

IMG_2549, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

This is one of my favorites. Look at her paw! LOL! Coming soon... videos of Minnie eating...

Minnie in the Morning

Minnie in the Morning, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

Taken from my sister's Blackberry. Minnie thinks the bed is hers (it kinda is)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yes, these are all mine.

IMG_2512, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

She likes toys. Wink, wink.

"Oh! Why is she so... furry?"

IMG_2548, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

What someone said when I showed them this picture of Minnie today. Because! She is!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

Curling up in a ball once again.

As wittle as a wemote!

As little as a remote!, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

Another baby picture of Minnie, sleeping.

Minnie and her Twin

Minnie and her Twin, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

(My) First Picture of Minnie

(My) First Picture of Minnie, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

The first picture I ever took of Minnie, from my old phone, then e-mailed around to everyone. :)

Minnie, Christmas 2007

Minnie, Christmas 2007, originally uploaded by Lydia.Y.

Waiting patiently to eat (or hide) her cookies.